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Student Scholarships Now Available for Karen Pryor Academy

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Waltham, MA, Feb 14, 2008—Sixteen $500 "Klinghammer" scholarships have been announced for students of the Karen Pryor Academy Dog Trainer Program.

The scholarships, made possible by an anonymous donor, honor the work of Erich Klinghammer, a field biologist who has made enormous contributions to our understanding of the behavior of wolves, dogs, and other canids. The scholarships make the Dog Trainer Program's educational benefits more accessible to a greater numbers of students in the shortest period of time.

For the 2008 calendar year, there are sixteen $500 scholarships available for Dog Trainer Programs commencing between March 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008. Students who apply to the program after February 1, 2008 are eligible for these awards. Scholarships will be awarded to individuals accepted into the Academy's Dog Trainer Program on a first-come, first-served basis, although the Academy reserves the right to limit awards in a particular location in order to help create geographic diversity. Applicants will be notified of scholarship awards along with their acceptance to the Academy.

Note that students receiving other sources of financial aid are not eligible for these scholarships. International students are also not eligible.

The Karen Pryor Academy Dog Trainer Program serves students who are looking for education and certification from world-renowned trainer, author, and behavioral biologist Karen Pryor, a pioneer of force-free training technology. The program combines the convenience of online learning with hands-on teaching from a renowned faculty of trainers nationwide. Students of Karen Pryor Academy receive intensive training in the force-free techniques needed to teach both animals and their human caregivers, as well as access to business training, curriculum plans, and instruction programs.

With 11 teaching locations in 8 US states (CA, MA, IN, WA, OR, NM, NY, and FL) plus Ottawa, Canada, the school expects to certify between 60 and 100 new trainers in its first year of operation. Graduates then participate in a unique program to market their services to pet owners nationwide. Karen Pryor Academy is the only non-franchised dog trainers' school in the country with national reach and teaching locations from coast to coast. New locations will be added regularly.

"We've launched the Academy to ensure that great clicker trainers are successful in the marketplace," said Karen Pryor. "To do that, we need to make certain that they get the education they need to meet the highest standards for training, and we need to give them greater marketing support than they've ever experienced."



Aaron Clayton, President
Karen Pryor Clickertraining (KPCT)
49 River Street #3
Waltham, MA 02453
Phone: 800-47-CLICK

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Tia Guest's picture

2011 Scholarship availability

Hi Patricia,

Thank you for your comment. We do still have the BF Skinner Memorial scholarships available for $300 toward tuition. Please visit www.karenpryoracademy.com and click on the "How to enroll" tab to navigate to the scholarship page.

The scholarships are awarded automatically when a candidate's application is accepted to the Dog Trainer Program.

Please contact me at tia [at] karenpryoracademy [dot] com if you have additional questions. Thanks,


Tia Guest


Scholarship needed

I am in need of scholarship money if I am to attend The Academy in Colorado. I am a special education teacher in Leadville CO. I currently run The Cody Project, a program for middle and high school students that train dogs for search and rescue. Our dogs work as disaster search dogs for FEMA, and as wilderness search dogs. We use clicker training in our program. The children have learned how important their life saving work is, as well as training with kindness. I was awarded a grant from The  Kids in Need Foundation that supported our unique program. I was also awarded  their Teacher of the Year Award in 2010. I hope you would consider me for scholarship funds so I can expand my knowledge as a dog trainer and pass on to my students the importance of Karen's work.


Patricia Kaynaroglu

970 389 9013

patkaynaroglu [at] aol [dot] com

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