A great story with some incredibly cute pictures from the Best Friends Animal Society, sent to us by Joan Orr, co-author of Getting Started: Clicking with Your Rabbit and ClickerExpo faculty member: On Saturday, Rachel Harper couldn't get within three feet of any of the feral bunnies at the Best Friends rabbit rescue ranch. On Sunday, she had two of them eating out of her hand and another one begging on hind legs. She and her mom, Wendy, spent the weekend at the Reno ranch learning how to use clicker training to communicate and shape behavior of feral bunnies. "I found it interesting to be able to see from just the way their ears points what the rabbits were thinking," said Rachel. "The training really works." Read the full story: Clicking for carrots and love
Best Friends Ranch's feral bunnies
You are very generous to help out at the Best Friends Ranch with their bunnies. I am so glad to finally see these lovely animals get the respect they so deserve. Thank you from the bottom of our hoppy hearts everywhere!
WRZF Rabbit Sanctuary